Tuesday 21 June 2011

Never let me go....I walked out halfway

We use cultural tools, like songs, dances, stories to reflect our worldviews and struggles. I love movies. The whole range of movies from ‘X man’ to ‘Cider House Rules’. But as far as I can remember, this was the first show I walked out half way.
If you haven’t seen the show, the summary is as below.
“As children, Ruth, Kathy and Tommy, spend their childhood at a seemingly idyllic English boarding school. As they grow into young adults, they find that they have to come to terms with the strength of the love they feel for each other, while preparing themselves for the haunting reality that awaits them.
The haunting reality was that they were reared (a fitting word) to be organ donors, to the point of death. Unlike stories of similar genre (eg Coma), a rebellion or a saviour would rise to right this. In the show, characters seen to resigned to the fate and the society seen to accept this.
My innermost sense of justice, of right and wrong was assaulted. It is not that I can boast of high moral standing or sensitivities, but I found the context too vulgar.  My innermost cries out “People are PEOPLE...not animals !”. But why not? How does your worldview draw a line on this? What reference could you take from what you believe to partition this?


  1. For me I see a not too different form of it already in our society... e.g. sex slavery - not exactly treating them like animals, but still treating them as if they aren't people.

    Another movie that stuck with me is 'District 9' - documenting a period after Earth being invaded by aliens, and humans/aliens were having inter-species sex, which actually, isn't fiction nowadays either... Once again, not treating humans like animals - but dissipating that boundary between them yes.

  2. Also, what do you think about organ donation?

  3. Organ donation.
    Understand that church is sometime playing catch-up with the progress in the medical research. I will stand corrected with a little of what I 'feel...think' at this moment.
    1. I think we may need to be specific on each case/procedure/organ/intention. Maybe you could give an example, and the issues behind it.
    2. An example in case...blood transfusion. Some reject it as equivalent to eating blood. I would think that transfusion is not like eating, whereby the blood is maintained as blood in function and essence.
    I am open to learning here.

  4. I have no idea really. I haven't read up much on the topic. I was just asking because my friend asked me what I thought. I donate blood and I wholly support that, but I'm still not sure about whole organs.

  5. Like to know what your friend's view and reservation is and what is the basis founded on.

  6. Try listening to some of the forums at top level university. It may cover the principles and issues for consideration
    suggest websites for veritas forum at university of california
    Stem Cell Research: Searching for Justice for the Ill and the Unborn
