Friday 15 July 2011

Sex and the bible..a conversation with a Muslim

“You know Andrew, don’t you find the bible a bit of pornographic …” my colleague Zainal asked with an innocent smile over lunch. You must give it to Zainal. He had always pushing the boundaries in conversation, always testing you.
“What do you mean by that?” I asked, putting the ball into his court.
“Well, the bits about so and so slept together..”
“Oh like the bit about Samson and Deliliah?”
“Yes, and so how can the bible be termed as a holy book”. It may be from his Muslim background that a holy book must be a sanitized from any descriptions of ‘evil’.
“You know Zainal, sex in the Christian belief is a gift of God. Sex within the bound of a marriage, an intimacy that expresses the commitment of a relationship of love is a gift from God. Of course, we are more acquainted with the abuse of it, a shame and dirtiness that shrouds this precious act. In the media it is an oversold and undervalued commodity. “
“And Zainal, if your father and your mother, my father and my mother did not have sex, you and I will not even be here to discuss this. And you would like to believe that the moment your father and mother came together that conceives you, it was out of the overflowing of love, and not the kind of dirtiness and shame the media want sex to be acquainted with.”
For me Zainal had brought out one aspect of our quest for meaning. I found this in relationship with people, and then the greater quest finally must be in the relationship with God.

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