Tuesday 19 July 2011

Irrational's comment on Pascal's wager...number 3

"How can you be sure if you have placed your bet on the right god? Why not believe in every single god that have ever existed, just in case? Within the context of Pascal's Wager, doesn't it follow that we might as well be polytheistic, to cover all basis?"

Pascal made the wager from the standpoint of belief of the Christian faith. The polytheistic position is logically unattainable, as the fundamental faith statements are fundamentally different, although they may have superficial similarities. For example, the monotheistic standpoint is that you choose that particular God, or you are not with them.

Faith statements have to be fundamental in one choice. When considering a critical mind is helpful. 

1 comment:

  1. Of the many monotheistic belief systems, which is more logical and deserving of your faith? How do you choose one over the other and how confident are you with your choice?
