Wednesday 21 September 2011

Attribute of God ..2

 “stars re-aligning to spell “I am God” in the sky....
When I immediately moved from the subjective conversion experience based on a few verses of the bible, I need to find the anchor of belief. It must be more concrete that the vague experiences people shared, more precise than the denominational idiosyncrasies and more timeless than the current published books. It must be relevant to my daily life and diverse enough to cover challenges I faces. There is a need of my philosophical test of the existence of an intelligent creator. If there is such a God, He must speak out!
To me He did! He inspired and coordinated the Bible. Below are some of the facts about the bible, that when pulled together showed evidence of divine intervention.
1. The sixty six books that complied together made the bible were written over 1600 years. Not a coordinated effort of one or two life span.
2. Written by over 40 different authors from varied walks of life. This includes kings, peasants, philosophers, fisherman, poets, statesman, doctor, tax collector and scholars (and a few more).
3. Written in different places (Asia, Africa and Europe) and circumstances.  Moses in the wilderness, Jeremiah in the dungeon, Daniel on the hillside and in the palace, Paul inside the prison walls and John in the island of Patmos.
4. It was written in three languages, Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic.
5. “ The writings include a great variety of literary types. They include history, law (civil, criminal, ethical, ritual, sanitary), religious poetry, didactic treatises, lyric poetry, parable and allegory, biography, personal correspondence, personal memoirs and diaries, in additional to the distinctively Biblical types of prophecy and apocalyptic.
For all that, the Bible is not simply an anthology; there is unity which binds the whole together. An anthology is compiled by an anthologist, but no anthologist compiled the Bible.” FF Bruce
Biblical authors spoke on hundreds of controversial subjects with harmony and continuity from Genesis to Revelation. There is one unfolding story: “God’s redemption of man”.
To me God did spoke out. He did it in black and white. That’s anchoring. 

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