Thursday 25 August 2011

Certainty and science

A scientific theory is empirical, and is always open to falsification if new evidence is presented. That is, no theory is ever considered strictly certain as science accepts the concept of fallibilism. The philosopher of science Karl Popper sharply distinguishes truth from certainty. He writes that scientific knowledge "consists in the search for truth", but it "is not the search for certainty ... All human knowledge is fallible and therefore uncertain."[38]
Gravity existed in the most elegant form even before Newton’s postulation. Actually Leonardo’s experiment of dropping weights from the tower of Pisa predates Newton. But up to now, the wisest of the scientists cannot answer his/her own question, ‘What actually is it?’.
Are we alone or are there aliens in other planets? In order to prove conclusively that there are none, extensive searches through every nooks and corner of the universe have to be made. Such thoroughness is required.
In engineering we used the knowledge known through science within the limit of perceived reality. You cannot ask the most accurate laser cutter to produce dimensions with zero tolerance, but within the tolerance the product can be useful.
The above are truth statements. How much authority do we now give to scientific claims? Engineering pimped science by churning out fascinating toys, but it is a discipline that recognizes its limit and would be paralyzed if absolute are demanded.
Science has not being able to measure and test the substance of a transcendence being..yet. It maybe because of its own evolution of skill or it maybe it is out of the range of thoroughness. It cannot say that the transcendence being only starts to exist when science can detect it.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Davids and the Goliath

She was rich, sophisticated, and intelligent. Coming from an ultra modern city when she married to the local dentist, she was our school senior science teacher. Her passion and leadership helped our local school win the country’s science project many times. Being the movers and shakers of the town, she helped and inspired many of the students to achieve educational and career significant. If I were to as for one person of whom I will model as a good teacher, she is it.
There is only one indiscretion she had. She loves to run down Christianity in her classroom and Christians loudly in the staff room. I never found out why. Maybe as a biology teacher she has to hold on the evolutionary theory to that extent.
He is retarded. This may be due to the trauma at birth. I later found him to be gentle, friendly and always look at you with vulnerable eyes. I remembered when walking back from watching his favourite sport of football, where he named the players in the team, he asked me ‘who won the game?’. He was her sixteen years old child.
They were a bunch of youth, from fourteen to sixteen years. From just three of them, I and two others, managed to grow the group to about twenty. Other than the first three, the rest did not have any church background, and most came from incomplete or broken homes. Although there were engaging funs activities like picnics and games, the main regular activity was bible study and worship. They seem to enjoy the meeting and keep up to regular attendance. When the group was going past twenty, concerned about the dilution of care to each of them, I whispered a prayer that the group will not grow any larger.
Through another friend, she asked for her son to join this group of youth. She had tried with her influence and resources to fit him to many groups. Somehow he always came back with a sense of being rejected.
Happy with just my small corner of service, I was thinking of how to politely say no to the request. Anyway isn’t a more specialised skill is required to handle a retarded child? When I shared about the request to this bunch of youth, almost in unison they said, “Let him come, and we will take care of him.’  That was how he came to join this group. When I saw how the group really took care of him and helped him, I was both ashamed of my initial selfish reluctance, and proud of how far these youth came through. When he participated in the study discussion and contributed inadequately, he was not laughed at but was listened patiently by the youth. When they go out to play, he was included in the game and not blamed losing the team. I must remind myself that these a bunch of kids who are in their private world quite challenged as compared to his privileged home. Learning about the love of Jesus over the past six months had transformed them.  I remembered my transformation was nearly the same. Jesus’ love changes lives.
She was promoted to be the principle of the school. She never confessed to have changed her mind as to the Christian’s claim of belief, when she passed on due to cancer. But six months after observing how her son was well and respectfully treated by this bunch of church youth, not only she stopped castigating the Christian, but openly praised the Christianity, as represented by this group of youth, in the staff room. Since then the burning of Christians was off the menu in the staff room.